Friday, April 23, 2010

Smokey Dokie

My sisters cat, Smokey, is very low maintenance. Feed him....let him sleep...let him out....he's good. My dad got home today and started taking off his camper to his truck. When i hear him yelling "SMOKEY!!!" i went out to see what was going on. That's when i saw him crossing the street while a bird was flying around poking him [that was funny!]. So i yelled at him [thinking he might think I'm Jessica], and what do ya know he kept walking. So my dad suggested i get the cat food container and shake it. So i did. And Guess what!! He stopped looked at me, and ran towards me. LOL

Food = One Happy Cat.

1 comment:

  1. He is AWESOME! Poor little booger has an eye infection :( Hope he gets better soon.
